Who We Are

Enlightenment Ales is a Massachusetts nano brewery making American Bière de Champagne.

Brewer and Founder Ben Howe is making innovative “urban farmhouse” beers using traditional techniques usually found in Champagne production. This laborious process allows for the natural conditioning of our beers that results in a fine carbonation and unique drinking experience. It is this extra effort and dedication to crafting a true American Bière de Champagne that makes Enlightenment Ales stand out in the growing nano brewery scene.

10 comments on “Who We Are

  1. Looking goooood! Congrats on the brewery. I’m in the process of getting my shit together and putting a business plan on paper. I’m hopefully going the 30bbl route with the brewhouse, but it’s gonna be a long road. Keep up the dream man. If you ever need anything just give me a shout.



    ps. are you going to CBC in San Fran?

    • Thanks for the morale boost man! There’s still a very VERY long way to go though. What’s your brewery plan? What’s the general idea? What styles of beer? Whereabouts?

      Sadly, no, I’ll be at CBC (The Cambridge CBC, not the Craft Brewer’s Conference) making the beer while the bosses are away!

      Are you?

  2. This is looking great, Ben! So happy/proud of/excited for you!

    I’m mostly commenting so that I can click “notify me of site updates,” by the way, though I stick to what I wrote above. 🙂

  3. Hello,
    I hear from someone at my school that you needed an architect to draw up some plans for the new brewery, but I couldn’t get your email. If you still need someone please contact.
    Thanks and good luck w the beer!

  4. Hello, my name is Albert and I wanted to give congratulations for this project and believe in this “style” of beer so interesting.
    From the people of Catalunya – Spain has long’m working on this beer too, if I can help in something does not hesitate.
    A greeting from a homebrewer Catalan

  5. Ben,
    We met at ACBF and we talked about my homebrew club possibly coming to your brewery. The club is MVHBC, Merrimack Valley Homebrew Club you can check out our website. We usually meet the 1st Saturday of every month but that is flexible. Hopefully we can set something up to come to the brewery. Let me know what you think.

    Alec Bull

  6. Ben,
    You might remember me as the guy who wasn’t into American-style Belgian farmhouse ales at Street Car. Well, I stick by my guns: it’s just not my style (many folks will disagree, I admit).

    However, I just tried Cosmos and, boy, is it good! You hit on something with that subtle roast, high-ish abv and fruity port barrel aging. I’ve not had anything quite like it. Good work. Brewers like you make me glad to be in Boston.

  7. Hi Ben,
    My name is Joaquim Miro and we met at the VinBin in Marlborough, as you were selling your wonderful beer and I was selling luxury chocolates.
    Could you possibly contact me as soon as possible, to discuss an interesting business project. I would need to get in contact with you before January 15th.
    Hope to hear from you soon,

    Joaquim Miro

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